

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nipple haiku :)

Soaked in rain i ran
but slowed down when i saw those
nipples popping out

pic by Kapil Arambam

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

may haikus, 2011

I heard a mynah
but it was her breaking my
china with hammer

leaves after leaves fall
unnoticed like my grey hair
only akhu feels

a cup of sweet tea
can't be sweeter then her scold
How sweet my love is

How insane am I
to write haiku in seminars
of bohrs and Einstein

A plate of good days
i left untouched as i write
this haiku for it

It's horizon problem
Territorial pissing:
the Meitei - Naga

Jamia loves me
that is why Ghalib says 'hi'
so do i come drunk

New freinds colony;
With no friends but with sikkim
in torn jeans i walk

An alcoholic
is a haiku of liver
yet tearful rivers

my father is sweet.
Even if they I'm a frog
He wants me to sing

Dont confuse me
with trees in autumn, they dont
drink and shed poems

after many months
i sat neat to a beauty
i did stare and stare

april is closing
as sugarcane juice bars open
every corner

I met a farmer
His name was "scare crow with wives"
He died, i read it

Go to hell, my friend
I make friends with who love life
have beautiful wives